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Designed with the user.

Tested by laundries.


Kentaur 設計並製造符合使用者要求以及工業洗衣標準的工作服。我們生產採用高品質材料和配件的工作服,提供符合紡織服務產業要求的良好、驗證及品質穩定的產品。

Kentaur 並未擁有自己的生產設施,因此對我們而言,與供應商建立穩固且互信的關係非常重要,進而確保我們可掌握整個生產鏈。我們與為數不多但知名的布料供應商合作,因為我們有信心他們能符合客戶的要求。

Kentaur 在自己的實驗室測試所有新採購的織物,例如耐用性、起毛球和色牢度,對我們而言,最重要的是我們精心挑選的材料在成品中也能發揮良好的功能。因此,工業洗衣廠是我們工作服審核過程中不可或缺的一環。對我們來說,外觀和合身性能盡可能長時間地保持是非常重要的。因此,我們建議您遵循我們的洗衣指示。

Kentaur designs and manufactures work wear that conforms to the user’s requirements as well as the requirements of industrial laundries. We only produce work wear with high quality materials and accessories, and we only supply good, proven and consistent quality that meets the demands of Textile Service. Kentaur does not own its own production facilities, so it is important for us to build strong and trusting relationships with our suppliers and thereby ensure that we are familiar with the entire production chain. We use relatively few and well-known fabric suppliers, as we are confident they can meet our customers' requirements.

Kentaur tests all newly sourced fabrics in our own laboratory for e.g. durability, pilling and colour fastness, and it is important for us that our carefully selected materials also function well in the finished product. The industrial laundries are therefore an essential part of our entire approval process in relation to the final selection. For us, it is important that appearance and fit are preserved for as long as possible. We therefore recommend that you follow our laundry instruction.



Please see our washing guides:

Washing guide​

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